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Untold Patriots Stories

Enjoy stories from Patriots alumni, players, and media members - many previously untold that you will only hear here. A fun, inspirational and, sometimes, emotional look into the mindset of successful athletes and those who cover them. Hear our guests discuss their time with the Patriots, their upbringing, who influenced them, and obstacles they overcame. Join us for good Patriots talk, stay for the insight. 

Untold Patriots Stories

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Fan Mail

I greatly enjoyed this podcast. I always thought Ron Meyer was a joke too & played James over Jon because of their SMU ties. I watched Jon play in HS… wow! He was NJ’s player of the year as a senior. Followed him through PSU & the Pats… was so sad when his career ended the way it did. Jerry Moore, his HS coach was fantastic too, a real winner. Thanks for a great podcast.

Montrose, Colorado
